St. Patrick's Cathedral

Thunder Bay, Ontario

211 South Archibald Street
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 1G4
Phone: (807) 622-5389 Fax: (807) 622-1529

Parish Ministries


Our Newest List of Ministry Directors (updated on July 11, 2024)


Ministry for the Laity and for the Ordained, is service to our sisters and brothers in Christ which was mandated by Jesus and to which Christians are called at their Baptism.  Many choose to fulfill this mandate and  Baptismal call to serve God’s people by participating in one of our Parish Ministries.

Please call the Parish Office (622-5389) if you wish to be trained and mandated as a Parish Minister or print and return the completed form below to the Office.


Registration Form for Parish Ministries   (click to open, then copy and submit to our Office)



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Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are entrusted with the ministry of nourishing God’s People with the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. Some also bring Holy Communion to the sick.
Coordinator and Instructor: Ms. Marie Petranova




Those who are gifted in reading in public should request to be trained and mandated to proclaim God’s Word during our Liturgies. The Reader prepares to proclaim through prayer and reflection on the Word of God.
Coordinator and Instructor: Mrs. Laura Prodanyk
Scheduling: Mrs. Carol Williams





OUR CATHEDRAL YOUTH ALTAR SERVERS  (and future Christian Leaders of the Church)


These young girls and boys of our Parish with their leader and trainer, Bill Vass and his senior server assistants, Taran Campanotto and Nicholas Blake are faithful to their calling to serve the Lord at the altar and His People at Mass.   They normally serve at the 10:30 am Sunday Mass.



Adult Mass Servers on the Lord’s Day
These men and women faithfully serve Mass on Saturday evening at 5:00 pm and on Sunday morning at 8:30 am.
Coordinator and Instructor: Mr. Bill Vass
Servers (Sat. at 5:00 pm): Mr. Bill Vass, Mr. and Mrs. Gaetan and Joan Joubert, Mrs. Gail Pelletier and Ms. Rosemarie Macchi.
Servers (Sun. at 8:30 am): Ms. Karilyn Fedyk, Mrs. Rose Cupelli, Mrs. Carol Williams and Mrs. Pauline Glena.


Adult Weekday Mass Servers
Coordinator: Ms. Karilyn Fedyk
Servers: Ms. Karilyn Fedyk and Mrs. Gail Pelletier.


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Adult Funeral Servers

These Altar Ministers are members of the Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Women’s League. They support our bereaved families by serving at Funeral Masses which are celebrated in the Cathedral.
Coordinator: Mr. Bill Vass

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Those who are called to this ministry of compassion are mandated to support our parishioners who are ill at home, in hospitals or in long term care facilities. They represent the Parish when they weekly visit the sick, bring them Holy Communion and express to them the prayerful support of all our parishioners.
Parish Minister:  Rev. Marco Ladao, priest-on-call.

Our Daily Rosary Prayer Group
Our parishioners gather during the week before Mass to pray the Rosary together in Church.  Everyone leads in this communal prayer to Our Blessed Mother.

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During our 10:30 am Sunday Mass from September to June, all children who are 12 years of age and under are invited to take part in our Children’s Liturgy Program. It provides them with an age-level appropriate way to pray and worship. A supervised children’s nursery is also available for children under the age of 4. Children who have made their First Communion rejoin their families in the Church after the homily. (to resume this Fall)
Coordinators: Mrs. Crystal Tustian and Mrs. Leanne Joseph




R.C.I.A. Formation Leadership Team
This Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults team is a volunteer group of dedicated witnesses of Faith which directs the process of discernment in adults who believe that they may be called to join the Church.

To assist those adults who seek full initiation in the Church, parishioners at large are invited to journey with them and to witness to their own Faith as Sponsors or Godparents. If you feel that God is calling you to serve in this ministry of Christian witness, please call the Parish Office (622-5389).

R.C.I.A. Director (Parish & Diocesan): Mrs. Judy Stankus
R.C.I.A. Team: Msgr. P. Stilla, Deacon Derek and Mrs. Linda West, Deacon John Myers



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The tasteful decoration of a sacred space should inspire wonder, prayer and reflection. The environment should reflect the supernatural in all its beauty and glory. Mrs. Cheryl DeLorenzi and Mr. Erick Villanueva with the help of others, donate their time and artistic gifts to decorate our Cathedral Worship environment befitting its sacred character.
Director: Mrs. Cheryl DeLorenzi
Assistants: Deacon Derek and Mrs. Linda West and Mr. Erick Villanueva. 

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These ministers prepare and care for all the Sacred Vessels, linens, vestments and sacramentals.
Coordinators: Mr. Erick Villanueva and Mr. & Mrs. Ronnel & Ruth Hernandez




Lord’s Day Greeters & Ushers
These ministers offer hospitality to all who enter our Cathedral. They also assist with seating, taking up collections and distributing bulletins and hymnals.
Coordinator of Hospitality Ministry: Mrs. Maria Napolitano
Lead Ushers:  Mr. Larry Pankuch, Mr. Jim MacCallam, Mr. Dave Bragnalo, Mr. Joseph Johnson, Mr. Muke Spivak, Mr. Sean Murphy.


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Funeral Greeters and Funeral Assistance Ministers

These Ministers of Welcome and Assistance offer consolation to our bereaved families in their times of loss.
Coordinator of Funeral Greeters: Mrs. Joan Joubert.
Funeral Assistants: Mrs. Joan Joubert and Ms. Marie Vanderwey
C.W.L. Funeral Honour Guard Coordinator: Mrs. Pam Brusadin

Ministers of Community Building: Coffee Sunday
These parishioners help to build up our community by coordinating and volunteering at our monthly social gathering.
Overall Coordinators: Mrs. Angele Ste Marie (Klug) and her daughter, Chantelle 



Grief Support Ministers
This special Ministry is designed to support bereaved individuals in their grief after the loss of a loved one. 
Coordinators: Mr. Dale Smyk, Deacon Derek and Mrs. Linda West




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Parish Stewardship Ministers

Each week, these volunteers count and prepare the weekend Offertory donations for deposit in our Parish General Account.
Ministers: Mrs. Joleene Kemp, Ms. Kris Knapik & Ms. Janie Slobodnik


Parish Office Help Ministers
These volunteers meet on a weekly basis in the Parish Office to help prepare the Sunday Bulletin for distribution.
Ministers: Ms. Karilyn Fedyk, Mrs. Rose Cupelli and Mrs. Pauline Glena. 




Ministers of Baptism Preparation
Parents and the Godparents they choose are expected to attend one Baptism Preparation class before the celebration.
Ministers/Instructors: Deacon Derek and Mrs. Linda West

First Confession and First Communion Preparation Ministers
Coordinators: Mrs. Pam Brusadin, Mrs. Joleene Kemp and Mrs. Theresa Matijasic

Confirmation Preparation Ministers
Coordinators: Msgr. P. Stilla and Mrs. Linda West


Ministers of Marriage Course Instruction
Couples who plan to marry in the Cathedral participate in a marriage preparation course taught in the Auditorium by a team of couples on one weekend in the Spring.
Team Coordinator: Mr. Dale Smyk
Team: Dr. Daphne & Mr. Mark Doble.

Marriage Rehearsal Ministers
Couples and the members of their bridal party arrange to take part in a rehearsal 1 or 2 days prior to their wedding.
Ministers:  Mrs. Joleene Kemp and Ms. Therese Lim


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St. Anthony of Padova, often referred to as,  the ‘Saint of the Poor’ committed himself to a life of Christian witness by assisting those most in need. Our Cathedral Parish continues this important ministry through St. Anthony’s Poor Fund.  All contributions to this Fund are anonymous and are used to assist many charitable initiatives in our community each year.
Donations can be placed in the ‘poor box’ located under St. Anthony’s statue which is next to the statue of St. Patrick to the left of the Main Altar.