Recent Events Media
October 6, 2024
Congratulations to the our newest follower of Christ, Casey and to the Figliomeni Family.
October 5/6. 2-24
At all our Masses this weekend we prayed for the future wellbeing of our Diocese and for a speedy appointment of a new Bishop.
Our Sanctuary Shrine of Our Lady was created by Cheryl DeLorenzi and Erick Villanueva. Photos were taken by Sean Murphy (left) and Erick Villanueva (right)
October 5, 2024
A huge “THANK YOU!” to the Knights of Columbus and Friends who helped move the angel stone from the Rectory parking lot: Mike Spivak, Jeff Collins, Mike Posmituk, Yvonne Begin, Mathew Covino, Pat Klug, Fabio Zorzes and Deacon Derek West for organizing the event!
September 28/29, 2024
All the Masses this weekend were celebrated for the Intentions of Survivors of residential schools and for the repose of the souls of the Children who died while they attended these schools.
The display in our Sanctuary was created by Erick Villanueva.
Photograph by Sean Murphy.
September 21, 2024
The Officers were installed in Our Lady’s Chapel after the 5 pm Mass in the Cathedral.
(l. to r.) Sir Knights Mike Spivak, Faithful Pilot, Joe Salini, Faithful Comptroller, Deacon Derek West, Faithful Scribe, Keith Martinkus, Faithful Admiral, Dick O’Donnell, Worthy Former District Master, Bill Vass Faithful Navigator of the Assembly, Louis Romito, Faithful Purser, Msgr. Pat Stilla, George Romick, Faithful Sentinel, Terry Doyle, Worthy Former District Master, Brian Smith, Faithful Trustee, Claudio Monteleone, Faithful Trustee, Larry Pankuch, Faithful Captain, and Sam Spivak, Faithful Trustee.
Missing are Fr. F. Blazek, Faithful Friar and David Turmaine, Faithful Sentinel.
Thanks to Cathy Vass for taking this photo.
August 26, 2024
St. Dominic’s Statue has now been placed in the Prayer Chapel of St. Anne for the veneration of the People. We thank Linda Bukovy for restoring the statue to its original state and Erick Villanueva for decorating the area with votive candles and for taking this souvenir photo for us.
August 25, 2024 at 10:30 am Mass
The Official Crest and Motto of the Order of Preachers (Called to Praise, Bless and Preach).
Originally venerated in the old St. Dominic’s Church in Thunder Bay’s East End, this sacred image of the founder of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) was donated to the Cathedral and was solemnly blessed and re-dedicated during the Sunday morning Mass. It will be installed in the side Prayer Chapel of St. Ann.
Many thanks to the Giancola Family for donating it, and to Erick Villanueva and expert painter, Linda Bukovy for restoring the statue to its original state. Thanks also to Sean Murphy for photographing this recent event.
August 20, 2024
Fort William Council 1447 of the Knights of Columbus recently donated $5,000. to our St. Pat’s Hat Roof Fund. Here, presenting the cheque to Deacon Derek West, Chair of our Roof Replacement Committee and Msgr. Pat Stilla, is Council 1447 Grand Knight, Mike Spivak. The funds were raised at the “Superior Shores Gaming” Bingos, held recently. Thanks to all the volunteers and to Josie Spivak for taking this photo.
August 17, 2024
Michaela (12), Miley (10), Melvin (8) and Marshall (7) celebrated their First Confession and First Holy Communion last Saturday at the 5 pm. Mass. Thanks to Linda and Deacon Derek West for preparing them to receive these two special Sacraments.
Council 1447 – Supporting our Thunder Bay Border Cats
Enjoying the baseball and joining our local team mascot, Boomer are Mike Spivak, G.K., Mike and Lisa Posmituk, Josie Spivak and Linda and Deacon Derek West.
July 14, 2024
Bishop Colli’s Farewell Mass in Thunder Bay
The Celebration of the Mass
Presentation of Diocesan and Papal Awards for Volunteers in Our Parishes
Tributes and Gift Presentations:
… From Msgr. Stilla and Our Cathedral Parishioners:
… From Faithful Navigator, Bill Vass and Past State Deputy, Joe Salini and the Father Baxter Assembly of the Knights of Columbus:
… Gift and Members’ Blessing from Joleene Kemp, Provincial President Colleen Martin and St. Patrick’s Catholic Women’s League:
A Special Final Blessing for His Diocese
Many thanks to our Catholic Women’s League for hosting the reception after the Mass and to Sean Murphy for providing us with these memorable photos.
July 7, 2024
Our New Provincial League President
…photo by Pauline Krupa
A New Follower of Christ
Our Parish welcomes Bree Marsonet, who was recently baptized at St. Pat’s
May 19, 2024
Our Parish Pentecost Day Confirmation Mass
This was one of the three Confirmation Celebrations that were held in our City this year. Many thanks to Sean Murphy for taking these photographs.
June 23, 2024
Family Picnic 2024
Many Thanks from our Family Picnic Coordinator, Susan Momot
Thank you to all who attended this year’s Parish Picnic.
It’s been 5 years since we were able to gather for this event, and it was lovely to see the camaraderie. The huge smiles on the children’s faces, their shouts of joy, and the fellowship experienced by all was so heartwarming.
A huge thank you goes out to all the volunteers that made this event possible: the amazing team from the Children’s Liturgy group, led by Crystal Tustian and Leanne Joseph, who ran the games and provided the prizes, our decorators that made the hall look amazing, the cooks, popcorn makers, coffee and tea maker, food wrappers and servers who prepared and served the food and beverages, the Villanueva family for their help with the piñatas, and everyone who stayed behind to help with clean up.
This event couldn’t have happened without you! A special thank you goes out to our anonymous donor who provided the delicious burgers for our event.
Our very special thanks as well to Susan, John and Thomas Momot, ensuring that this special event would be the successful reality that it was.
Msgr. Pat
June 22, 2024
Priesthood Ordination of Father Larry Kurec
June 15, 2024
Ordination of Deacons and Mandating of Ministers of Service
Deacons Ordained:
Rick Geurts – Atikokan;
Dave Frank – St. Kateri;
Reino Pitkanen – Holy Family
Minister of Service Mandated:
Debbie Esquega – St. Kateri;
Linda Pitkanen – Holy Family
June 2, 2024
Corpus Christi Mass with the First Communion Children
Bishop Colli celebrated the 10:30 am Mass and invited the children who had received their First Communion last weekend to join him and the concelebrating priests at the Altar at the Lord’s Prayer. Those who were present joined him and raised their arms in Prayer with him.
Then, at the end of Mass, led by the cross, candle bearers, thurifer and Father Marco Ladao, Msgr. Stilla processed through the Church with the Blessed Sacrament and celebrated Benediction for all at the end. Similar processions and Rites took place at the other two weekend Masses on this Solemn Weekend.
Many thanks to Sean Murphy for these souvenir photos.
May 26, 2024
Our First Holy Communion Mass
Juliano captured in these memorable photos the thrill and excitement of these 18 children of our Parish who celebrated this very important event in their Faith lives. Thanks to him, to Pam, Joleene and Theresa for preparing them and for providing them with special gifts and to their parents who led them to the Altar of the Lord!
May 25, 2024
Our Children’s First Confession Day
A very beautiful and meaningful celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time in their lives, unfolded last Saturday for the children of our Parish. Here, the children confess their sins. are absolved and given a short penance prayer card. Then they proceeded to the kneelers in front of the altar to recite their prayer and to light their special votive candle of choice, helped by their parents.
May 12, 2024
Mother’s Day Mass at 10:30 am
The children all blessed their mothers and grandmothers at Mass, with Msgr. Pat. After Holy Communion, the children had the necklaces blessed that they made for their mothers during the session downstairs.
Like every year on Mother’s Day, our Catholic Women’s League provides us with a beautiful floral arrangement for the Sanctuary and our Knights of Columbus collect donations for lapel Roses to support Right to Life Organizations in the City.
May 4, 2024
First Confession Media Lesson in the Church
The children were very attentive and happy to learn about the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) which they will receive for the first time on Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 10:30 am in the Church. The lesson consisted of a slide presentation about sin and forgiveness and the continuation of the tour of the Cathedral. In this final part of the tour, the children were shown our two Confessional Rooms, the Pieta’ Chapel and the Choir Loft. Finally, the Rosaries that they had made and were wearing were blessed. Thanks to their teachers, Pam, Theresa and Joleene and to our great photographer.
The children are preparing for their First Communion by learning more about the Mass and about how to pray the Rosary.
April 28, 2024
Our Seniors’ Appreciation Luncheon
Thank-You Message from the Luncheon Coordinator
On behalf of the Parish Council, I wish to thank the more than 30 volunteers who helped to make last Sunday`s Seniors` Luncheon such a success. Many thanks as well to our Seniors who themselves have given countless volunteer hours for other events in past years. May we continue to work together to be a thriving and welcoming Parish Community. Martin Skillen
The Parish is grateful to Martin for organizing, overseeing and directing this luncheon to a successful completion and to the Parish Council for sponsoring the event.
April 27, 2024
Cleaning up the Vandalized Wall
The damaged wall before and … after all the hard work!
Unfortunately, the wall across the street from the Cathedral was vandalized over the last several weeks! Deacon Derek West organized a cleaning up volunteer team with Knights of Columbus and students from St. Patrick’s High School and despite the rain and the inclement weather, the crew did a tremendous job, cleaning up and storing the salvageable stones! We thank Deacon Derek, Mike Spivak, G.K. and the Knights who volunteered and Mr. Tom Joseph, V.P. of St. Patrick’s High School and the student volunteers. A big thanks as well to Robin Rickards for collecting and disposing the scrap concrete that was left.
As you can see from the before and after photos above, everything now looks awesome!